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Your Business Setup in Dubai's Leading AI Innovation Hub

Establish your venture at the AI Campus in Dubai, the premier innovation hub dedicated to artificial intelligence and cutting-edge technology. With state-of-the-art facilities, unparalleled access to AI research, and a thriving community of innovators and tech leaders, the AI Campus offers the ultimate launchpad for your AI-driven enterprise.

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6 Essential Steps to Launch Your AI-Driven Business at AI Campus

Setting up your AI-focused business at the AI Campus in Dubai is a streamlined process, designed to immerse you in one of the world's leading AI innovation hubs. Here’s how you can start your journey to becoming a leader in AI technology.


AI Business Activity Selection

Begin by selecting the AI-focused business activity that best aligns with your vision. The AI Campus offers a diverse range of activities, from AI research and development to advanced data analytics and machine learning solutions. We guide you in identifying the most impactful business activity, ensuring your venture thrives in this cutting-edge environment.


AI Brand & Trade Name Registration

Secure your business identity at AI Campus by registering a distinctive brand and trade name that resonates within the AI community. Our team assists you in choosing a name that reflects your company’s innovation and vision, ensuring it stands out in the competitive AI market.


Regulatory Approvals & Compliance

Navigating the regulatory landscape is crucial for any AI-driven business. We guide you through obtaining the necessary approvals from key authorities such as Dubai’s Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) and the Dubai Electronic Security Center (DESC), ensuring full compliance with local regulations and industry standards.


Innovative Workspace Solutions

Find the perfect space to innovate at the AI Campus. Whether you need state-of-the-art labs, collaborative co-working environments, or fully equipped offices, we help you secure the ideal location that fosters creativity and growth within Dubai’s most advanced AI ecosystem.


AI Business License Issuance

Obtain your AI business license, a critical step that legitimizes your operations within the AI Campus. We streamline the licensing process, ensuring all documentation is complete so that your business can operate legally and efficiently within Dubai’s AI sector.


AI Talent Visa Processing

Simplify the visa process for your AI experts and their families, allowing them to live and innovate in Dubai’s thriving AI hub. Our comprehensive visa services make it easy for your team to relocate, settle, and contribute to your business’s success within the AI Campus.

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first step

AI Business Activity Selection

Begin by selecting the AI-focused business activity that aligns with your innovation goals. The AI Campus supports a wide range of cutting-edge activities, from machine learning and robotics to AI ethics and data analytics. We guide you in identifying the most impactful business activity, ensuring your venture thrives in this pioneering ecosystem.

third step

Regulatory Approvals & Compliance

Streamlining initial approvals is crucial for a smooth, compliant, and successful business launch at the AI Campus. Ensuring all regulatory requirements are met from the outset sets the foundation for your AI business to thrive in this prestigious innovation hub.

Foundation for AI Innovation

Securing initial approvals is vital to ensure a compliant, efficient, and successful business setup process at the AI Campus. This foundational step empowers your AI-driven venture to innovate with confidence in Dubai's leading AI ecosystem.
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Submit Your AI Application
Provide a comprehensive application that outlines your AI-focused business activities, including your innovation objectives and technology strategies. Ensuring they align with AI Campus’s regulatory and innovation standards is crucial for progressing through the approval process and setting your business on the path to success.
Graph with an upward arrow representing growth inside a circular outline
Regulatory Compliance Check
Your business will undergo an evaluation to confirm full compliance with AI Campus’s legal framework and specific industry regulations. This step ensures that your AI operations are legally sound and optimally positioned for growth in this regulated, cutting-edge ecosystem.
Handshake icon symbolizing partnership inside a circular outline
Document Verification
AI Campus authorities will thoroughly review all submitted documents, ensuring they meet the specific requirements and standards set by the AI innovation hub. This critical verification step is essential for compliance and preventing any future legal issues, ensuring your venture operates smoothly in the fast-evolving AI landscape.
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Initial Approval Issuance
Once your application passes all checks and evaluations, the AI Campus will issue the initial approval. This key milestone empowers you to proceed with confidence in the AI business setup process, enabling your venture to focus on innovation and growth within Dubai’s premier AI hub.

fourth step

Innovative Workspace Solutions

Selecting the right office solution at the AI Campus is crucial to supporting your business's operational needs and innovation goals. Explore a range of workspace options designed to foster creativity, collaboration, and AI advancements.

A businessman is seated at a desk working on his computer late at night, with the backdrop of a brightly lit city skyline through a large window, reflecting a busy, high-tech environment.
Rocket icon symbolizing a startup or growth inside a circular outline

AI Innovation Offices

Flexible office spaces designed specifically for AI companies and startups, offering a collaborative environment with access to shared resources, advanced AI labs, and networking opportunities. These offices are ideal for businesses looking to integrate into the AI Campus ecosystem and drive groundbreaking AI innovations.
Graph with an upward arrow representing growth inside a circular outline

AI Flexi-Desks

Affordable and flexible workspace options that provide access to essential AI office infrastructure and shared facilities. Flexi-desks are perfect for early-stage AI startups and entrepreneurs who need a presence at the AI Campus without the commitment to a full-time office, allowing for agile growth and innovation.
Target with an arrow hitting the center inside a circular outline

AI Co-working Spaces

Dynamic co-working spaces for AI entrepreneurs, startups, and global tech leaders. Co-working spaces at the AI Campus provide the perfect environment to scale your AI operations, collaborate on projects, and connect with other innovators within the thriving AI ecosystem.
Person icon representing a user profile inside a circular outline

Custom AI Office Solutions

Tailored office setups that meet the specific needs of your AI-driven business. These solutions ensure operational efficiency, professional representation, and the ability to create a workspace that aligns with your company’s AI innovation culture and long-term goals. Whether you need a research lab or a creative design studio, we customize your space for optimal performance.

fifth step

AI Business License Issuance

Obtaining your business license is a critical step at the AI Campus, ensuring that your AI enterprise is fully authorized to operate within the framework of Dubai’s advanced AI ecosystem.

sixth step

Visa Processing

The AI Campus’s visa processing services ensure a smooth transition for your key personnel, enabling them to oversee your AI operations effectively in Dubai.

Streamlining Your Team’s Integration

Securing visas for your team is crucial for a smooth and compliant AI business setup at the AI Campus. Our streamlined visa services align with Dubai’s regulatory standards, laying a strong foundation for your success in the competitive AI market. With the right team in place, you can focus on driving innovation and growth in the AI industry.

 A man in a white suit walks into a futuristic office space with large windows and robot assistants stationed around. The room has a sleek, reflective design with a view of a modern city in the background.
¤ Visa Quota & Reservation

Assess your business needs, determine the required number of visas, and reserve them accordingly. This step ensures that you have the necessary personnel in place to lead AI innovation and manage your operations effectively within the AI Campus.

¤ Medical Fitness & Emirates ID Application

Complete the mandatory medical fitness tests and Emirates ID application, both of which are essential steps for obtaining residency visas in Dubai. These processes are crucial for ensuring your employees meet all legal and health requirements for living and working in the UAE, ensuring they are ready to contribute to your AI-driven success.

¤ Visa Application Submission

Submit all necessary documents and applications through the AI Campus’s efficient visa processing system. This ensures that all procedures are followed accurately and swiftly, leading to prompt approval and minimizing any delays in getting your team on the ground and operational.

¤ Visa Stamping and Residency Permits

Finalize the visa stamping process and secure residency permits for your team, allowing them to legally reside and work in Dubai. This step is vital for ensuring your key AI personnel are fully integrated into the Dubai ecosystem and can focus on driving your business forward within the AI Campus.

A business entrepreneur holding Mobile
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